Sunday, September 14, 2008

Never Enough Mad Cow Disease

Oops. Neglecting this blog.

At last, who gets tired of Mad Cow Disease?
New findings about the causes of mad cow disease show that sometimes it may be genetic.
Via Science Daily

And! There's a new form that could infect humans! Faster than ever!
JUST when it looked as if we had mad cow disease licked, a new threat may be lurking down on the farm - bovine amyloidic spongiform encephalopathy. First discovered in Italian cows in 2003, BASE has infected a monkey, suggesting that the disease may also be capable of spreading to humans. Alarmingly, the disease took hold - and killed - the monkey faster than strains of classical BSE and variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (vCJD), the human version of mad cow disease, injected into other monkeys as part of the same experiment.

Via New Scientist

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