Sunday, March 1, 2009

This blog is my absolute lowest of low priorities. I've had stuff tabbed for months now that I wanted to put here and never seem to get to. I don't think anyone even looks at this but if someone does, it's best to follow me at You're Doing It Wrong
For several decades, however, researchers have known that placebo effects can also arise from subconscious associations as opposed to overt beliefs. Stimuli that a patient links with feeling better or with physical improvement—say, a doctor’s white lab coat, a stethoscope or the smell of an examining room—may induce physiological reactions even if a patient has no explicit faith in the treatment being given. That is, simply seeing a doctor holding a syringe can produce a placebo reaction if a patient has previously associated that scenario with feeling better. In such cases, the overall effect—improvement or even complete recovery—stems from a combination of the pharmacological action of the drug and the subconscious or conditioned response.
Via Scientific American