Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Every night when I get home from work (assuming it's still light out and not raining sideways), I got to my flower bed and admire my flowers. I often go to the backyard, too. Why grow them if you're not going to enjoy them?

Tonight was I was startled to find this:

What? You don't see the problem? Count the flowers.

Now here's my shot from Sunday:

Yes! There is a tulip bandit on the loose in my neighborhood.

What giant turdhead.


shrink on the couch said...

turdhead is right. adult turdhead. I've seen flowers nabbed by kids plenty of times and they never have cut down by the base.

One silver lining, at least your missing tulip gave someone a smile, even if it was only the kidnapper.

Mrs. G. said...

I was a flower stealer as a kid. I didn't grasp the concept that flowers growing on private property weren't just there for the picking. Are you sure it wasn't a deer or rabbit.

Unknown said...

Someone took your gorgeous tulip O_o...

Thanks for stopping by my journal. I left you a response. I'm afraid I'm coming off as snobby and judgmental, and if that's the case I apologize. That's not my intent at all.
